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Iris 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When Microsoft finally launched Windows Mobile 6.5 earlier this year, there may have been lots of fanfare, but there was little honest excitement. After a tepid showing at MWC in Barcelona followed by the proper launch this October, no one was exactly up in arms over the OS, though support from the big M's partners was characteristically plentiful. Still, there was nary a ray of light to be seen in the otherwise bleak and basic landscape of handset offerings... until the HD2 came along. In August of this year, HTC showed off what seemed to be one of the few Windows Mobile devices capable of generating honest enthusiasm. The massive, full touchscreen device boasts impressive specs: a 1GHz Snapdragon CPU, a generous 4.3-inch, 800 x 480 capacitive WVGA touchscreen display, a 5 megapixel camera, GPS, and lots of other bells and whistles. But the centerpiece here isn't the hardware, it's HTC's totally revamped user interface, Sense, which doesn't just hide Windows Mobile 6.5 -- it all but zaps it out of existence. Sadly for Microsoft, that's the most enticing part of this equation. So, is the HD2's new face enough to quell the bad vibes of Windows Mobile and make the platform seem viable again, or is that a challenge which takes more than just a coat of paint? We've taken a hard look at the phone... so read on to find out.

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Iris 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Maggieliao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

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威寶電信 (VIBO) 宣布首度在台建置 TD-SCDMA 試驗網,未來台灣行動通訊網路設備商將可直接在台實測 WCDMA 與 TD-SCDMA 系統的相容互通性,研擬 3G3.5G 服務在 TD-SCDMA 網路的相關加值應用,也有利於開發 WCDMA 與 TD-SCDMA 雙模終端設備。今日發表也請到中國移動 (CMCC)、中國通信標準化協會、TD 產業聯盟 (TDIA) 等兩岸電信業大老齊聚。

smithlee 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Android 2.0最吸引人之處在於有Google Maps Navigation導航應用,可讓用戶把手機變成可免費做路線規劃(turn-by-turn)的導航機。在此之前,市面上的Android手機只有摩托羅拉的Droid辦得到,但現在可不同了。

Maggieliao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Maggieliao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dell's Mini 3i smartphone

戴爾(Dell)與中國移動(China Mobile)星期一提供了更多關於Dell Mini 3i智慧手機的細節,該款手機本月稍晚將會在中國上市。

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Maggieliao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

OLED螢幕 手機新趨勢
作者:駐洛杉磯科技組 現職:駐洛杉磯科技組
文章來源:世界日報 2009/05/26
有機發光顯示器(OLED)技術發展已久,近年陸續獲手機業者接納,應用在高階機種上。市場傳出,蘋果電腦計劃將OLED螢幕應用在第三代 iPhone 手機上,諾基亞也可望在今年內推出OLED螢幕手機。

Kellyplay 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

作者:駐洛杉磯科技組 現職:駐洛杉磯科技組
電腦畫面 「無線」傳到電視

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